If you’re interested in Vigrx Plus, it’s likely that you have some questions about its ingredients. Are they natural? Are they safe?
Why is this male enhancement supplement so popular? It’s because of the science behind the formula!
All the ingredients in Vigrx Plus have been researched extensively, and the supplement is specifically formulated to improve sexual health. The supplement should be taken for a minimum of 84 days so that the ingredients have the chance to build up and have an impact on your body. Of course, if you’re going to be taking this supplement for months, you’ll want to look at these ingredients a little more closely.
This supplement is based on herbal science and contains natural ingredients. Vigrx Plus is effective because it’s based on herbal remedies. There are nine specific compounds of herbs that make this supplement so effective:

Epimedium Leaf Extract
This plant-based ingredient is often referred to by another name, “horny goat weed.” It’s effective because it contains a flavonoid called icariin. This compound improves erectile function. It also makes it easier for nitric oxide to be transported throughout the body, which enhances blood flow.
Asian Red Ginseng
This root has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. In imperial China, it was famous for being a potent aphrodisiac. Ginseng root can protect your body against oxidative stress, and it encourages nitric oxide. Because more blood is flowing to your penis, you’ll have a larger and harder erection.
Muira Puama Bark Extract
This plant is native to the Brazilian Amazon. It’s long been used to treat sexual disorders. The plant’s bark is known for its potency. According to one report from the early 90s, the plant contains extracts that boost libido.
Hawthorn Berry
These tiny fruits grow on both shrubs and trees. Although they may not be as tasty as the berries you can buy at your local supermarket, they can help to open up blood vessels throughout the body. This leads to increased blood flow, which makes it easier to get and maintain an erection.
Catuaba Bark Extract
This plant can be found in both Peru and Brazil. It has a long history of use and can be used to treat sexual performance or encourage arousal. The compounds in this herb can effect the nervous system, which can increase energy and relieve feelings of agitation.
Saw Palmetto
This plant, which is native to North America, has long been used to treat prostate problems. It can help the body to regulate testosterone production.
Ginkgo Bilbao
This is another plant that was frequently used in imperial China. It’s a powerful antioxidant that can encourage blood to flow to both the nervous system and the brain. Because circulation is improved, erection quality will improve as well.
This may sound like a chemical ingredient, but it’s actually an all-natural ingredient that’s derived from black pepper. It can improve the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Because this is included in the supplement, your body will absorb more of the ingredients you’re consuming. This is a key component of this supplement, and it can help to give you the results that you’ve been looking for.
There is a 67-day trial for Vigrx Plus. There is no risk involved. If you’re not fully satisfied with the results you get from this product, you won’t have to pay anything. Every body is different, and not everyone will have the same reaction to supplements like this one. That’s why it’s smart to research products ahead of time and consult with your healthcare provider. That way, you can find a product that truly works for you.