Are you trying to find an alternative for Viagra? If yes, there are two products you can try: ProSolution Plus or VigRX Plus. Sex experts consider these two as the herbal alternatives for Viagra. They provide longer and harder erections, making your sex life heavenly. But which one should you buy? Which one is slightly better? Let’s take a quick look at their features and benefits to get an idea.
VigRX Plus

VigRX Plus increases your libido and improves your erections. This dietary supplement, made of 100% natural ingredients, is suitable for men of all ages. It increases the percentage of nitric oxide in your body. This automatically boosts the flow of blood to your penis, resulting in thicker, harder, and longer erections. It also contains ancient aphrodisiacs that improve your libido also. Overall, it offers the most satisfying time in bed every time you want to get laid with your partner.
ProSolution Plus

ProSolution Plus is another excellent natural male enhancement pill. Based on the secret Ayurvedic formula, this supplement can improve your erection size. You can hold your erection longer and get stronger orgasms than before. Only a couple of pills a day are enough to make you the king in bed again. You will experience a better sexual drive, giving you the energy to satisfy your partner for a long time. Made with natural ingredients, this supplement doesn’t come with any side-effects.
While both of them are two of the best male enhancement supplements, they do have some differences.
When it comes to ingredients VigRX Plus is slightly ahead of ProSolution Plus because of its wide variety. ProSolution Plus only uses seven ingredients, such as Shilajit, Tribulus Terrestris, Asparagus Adscendens, Withania Somnifera, Mucuna Pruriens, Curculigo Orchioides, and Asteracantha Longifolia. On the other hand, VigRX Plus uses eleven ingredients like Tribulus Terrestris, Muira Puama, Hawthorn, Saw Palmetto, Korean Red Ginseng, Epimedium, Cuscuta, Ginkgo Biloba, Damiana, Catuaba, and BioPerine.
The combination of ingredients for VigRX Plus not only improves your sex life but also offers better cardiovascular and prostate health. It increases your stamina and energy that you need in bed to keep going for hours. ProSolution Plus has nothing to do with your cardiovascular health. It focuses only on one thing: to give a longer and harder erection for a better sex life. If you want a sex pill that provides both energy and sex drive, then you should go for VigRX Plus.
Expected results
The first question that you may have in your mind before buying any sex pill is whether it will work or not. Well, both of these sex pills come with a 67-day money-back guarantee. That means they will work once you start consuming the tablets. But how fast do these products work? Do they take hours to show their effects? Or you can expect to feel a change within minutes after taking the pills?
First of all, you need to understand that these are herbal alternatives to Viagra. Viagra is an instant sex-stimulant. These sex pills, on the other hand, provide long-term solutions to your poor sex life. They are not just for one-night stands. Once you start consuming them, you can expect your ex drive to become better for the rest of your life. And so, you should give these pills some time to deliver their promised results.
For example, VigRX Plus may take up to 30 days to work on your body. The pills slowly but steadily increase the blood flow to your penis. Does that mean you won’t be able to enjoy your time in bed before 30 days? Of course, you can. You will feel a positive change in your libido once you start taking VigRX Plus. But don’t expect to get an hour-long erection right after consuming the first couple of pills.
According to the reports, there is a 63% improvement in erection after taking VigRX Plus for 30 days. In addition to that, there was a 70% increase in the overall sexual satisfaction. The sex drive of users improved by more than 50% and their orgasm quality skyrocketed by nearly 23%. That says a lot about the quality of VigRX Plus. You can expect fuller and harder erections for long periods, increased stamina and libido, and better cardiovascular health after consuming a pack of this supplement.
ProSolution Plus also provides a surefire solution to a lot of your sex-related issues. The ingredients used in this supplement contain anti-oxidant rich components, making it one of the safest sex pills in the market right now. If you are looking for a sex pill that will provide a bigger and longer erection, you should start taking ProSolution Plus right away. It increases your sex drive so that you can last longer in bed. Your partner will thoroughly enjoy your enhanced sexual performance. Its ability to provide stronger orgasms will make you want to go on throughout the night.
The makers of both ProSolution Plus and VigRX Plus are the same. They handpick every ingredient from bushes, herbs, flowers, stems, and roots. Additionally, all the ingredients go through rigorous testing to ensure high potency. This is one of the reasons why these pills are so effective. Leading Edge Health, the manufacturers, is so confident about these products that they provide a full money-back guarantee for unsatisfied customers.
Although VigRX Plus is slightly ahead of ProSolution Plus when it comes to overall wellness, the latter has a slight edge when it comes to the price per bottle. ProSolution Plus costs $69.95. Each bottle comes with 60 tablets. You need to take two tablets per day for 30 days. VigRX Plus is a bit more expensive. It costs $76.99. This supplement also contains 60 tablets that last for 30 days.
But you also need to consider their health benefits. VigRX Plus not only gives stronger and harder erections but also takes care of your prostate and cardiovascular health. ProSolution Plus falls short in protecting your cardiovascular health but can provide fuller erections for long periods.
It’s tough to decide between these two pills. They are equally good. But if you consider their overall health benefits, then VigRX Plus is a few steps ahead in the game.