When you get information from marketers, you’ll notice that they say that vacuum devices, extenders, lotions, and pills can make a penis bigger. However, do these penis enlargement methods work?
For many men, having a penis they consider small is a source of anxiety. Because of this anxiety, a penis enlargement, or male enhancement, million-dollar industry has grown.
In this article, we will look at the results and side effects of penis enlargement methods. We will also talk about the average penis length and girth, and when a man might want to consider seeing his doctor.
Can a man increase the size of his penis?
The fact is most men who desire penis enlargement treatments have average-sized penises. In other words, they have average-sized penises that are adequate size for urination and sexual activity.
Penis enlargement manufacturers claim pills, stretching devices, and creams can enlarge a penis. Some men choose these methods, while other men select surgery. The Urology Care Foundation, however, has said that almost none of these methods work.
Below, we look at the evidence for the various penis enlargement methods:
How do traction devices work? They are intended to stretch a penis by lengthening the tissue. A weight or a small extending frame is placed on a flaccid penis to lengthen it.
As reported in a 2010 scientific review, penile extenders represent the only evidence-based method for lengthening. Furthermore, the results of traction devices may not be inferior to penile surgery.
There have been several studies that have looked into the effects of traction devices. The results of the studies have been varied. Some findings indicate that traction devices can lengthen the penis by as much as 1 to 3 centimeters (cm). In these trials, the participants wore the traction devices for four to six hours a day. However, in one experiment, the participants wore the devices for nine hours a day.
Researchers are looking into whether traction device use before or after penile surgery can improve outcomes.
However, evidence regarding traction devices is limited. More research is required to determine the safety and effectiveness of these devices. The Urology Care Foundation does not currently support its use.
A vacuum device is made with a tube that fits over a man’s penis. When air is pumped out, a vacuum is created that draws blood into the penis. This causes the penis to swell. These devices are used to treat impotence or erectile dysfunction. However, there is no scientific evidence that vacuum devices increase penis size.
Lotions and Pills:
There are many different creams and pills on the market that claim to increase penis size. These creams and pills contain minerals, vitamins, hormones, and herbs. There is no evidence that concludes that they can increase penis size.
Penis Surgery:
Penis enlargement surgery comes in two types:
Penile augmentation:
This method injects fat cells into the penis, intending to increase girth, width, and length. There are side effects with the procedure. These include distortion and swelling of the penis. Severe side effects could mean a penis removal.
Grafting fat cells:
Grafting fat cells is another way. The technique is taking fat cells and grafting them from other areas on the body and attaching them to the penis. This method not as invasive as penile enlargement, and, on average, adds 2.39 to 2.65 centimeters after 12 months.
However, grafting fat cells has a drawback. A man’s penis, with this method, can lose 20 to 80 percent of the new volume within one year of the surgery. Therefore, some men may need multiple surgeries to get the result they want.
Suspensory Ligament Release:
With this kind of procedure, the tissue anchors a man’s organ to the public area, providing erection support. If a doctor cuts the tissue, the diameters of the penis changes, making it look longer.
This method is capable of increasing a flaccid penis length by 1 to 3 centimeters.
However, the satisfaction rates of patients and partners are usually low. Furthermore, the lack of erection support can make the act of penetration difficult.
The American Urological Association and the Urology Care Foundation purports that penile augmentation surgery is not safe or effective.
The penis comes in various shapes and sizes and varies considerably.
A 2014 study that was comprised of 15,521 men from around the world found:
The average flaccid penis – 9.16 centimeters or 3.61 inches long, and 9.31 centimeters or 3.66 inches in girth.
The average erect penis – 13.12 centimeters or 5.16 inches long, and 11.66 centimeters or 4.59 inches in girth.
Five percent of men have erect penises longer than 16 centimeters. In another five percent, an penises that are erect would be shorter than approximately 10 centimeters.
When is surgery an option to consider?
Per the medical community, surgery is necessary if a man has a very small penis considered micro. This is a condition where a penis is 7.5 centimeters or shorter when it is stretched.
What are the risks and side effects of penis enlargement?
Side effects of penis enlargement surgery include swelling and infection. If the side effects are severe, the penis may need to be removed. The procedure can create dysfunction with erections. Also, when such a pump is overused, it can damage the penis leading to weak erections.
Final Recommendation
One of the safest most effective ways to help with male enhancement is the #1 selling VigRx Plus. Check out the pill that’s helped so many men overcome their sexual frustrations.